Feature requests

Suggest new ideas & vote on other's suggestions!

  1. Create Custom Quiz Games

    Want to be able to create a custom quiz game with our own questions and answers.



  2. RSVP through website

    I did not know all of my guest's email addresses. Having my guests RSVP through the website would have been easier to track.

    Chelsey Rothwell


  3. Invites via text, facebook link with RSVP, App upgrades

    Instead of only having the option for invite with RSVP via email, having an option for this via text, or other social media sites (Facebook etc).

    Anonymous Wolf
    #Admin Area#Invitations#Mobile App


  4. Send out video party link in advance

    Be able to send out the link to the video party in advance (similar to how you can set up a zoom call and share the link ahead of time).

    Anonymous Persian


  5. Add a Name Field

    I would help to have a way to add a name when entering emails to the guest list. Not everyone's email is easy to decipher.

    Anonymous Neanderthal


  6. Thank you cards!

    Virtual thank you cards to recipients using same these as baby shower.

    Anonymous Moorhen


  7. Mobile App for Guests!

    It would be amazing to let guests be able to join a shower via a mobile app. Not just on their phone but inside an app just for the baby shower.

    #Mobile App


  8. Text Messaging

    A way to send invites via text messaging. We have some friends who don't have or never look at their email and just totally rely on text messaging. Thank would be a great option. Easier to track as well.

    Anonymous Neanderthal


  9. Video Chat in App

    Lets get video chat as part of the app, that would be great!

    #Video Chat


  10. Chronological updates that can be posted on the home page

    If the host or mom/dad could post updates on the main page or on an updates page leading up to arrival and even after that would make it extremely easy and useful for the type of scenario I am using it for. We are using this as a way for Mom and Dad who are overseas to keep people updated on the pregnancy and then after the baby is born. Right now there isn't a real easy way to communicate those updates without just replacing the home page message.

    Anonymous Maltese
    #Admin Area#Mobile App


  11. Add feature to TRACK guests who have SEEN/VIEWED the invite

    The host is able to see that the invites were delivered to guests. It would be great to see a feature that enables the host to track that the guest has seen/viewed the invite. I had to send a general mass email to all guests informing them of the invite as I had no other way to know if they had viewed it after delivery, other than individually calling 40 guests. I have used this feature in other non fee websites, so thought this would be a feature offered in WebBabyShower as well. Thanks, N.

    Anonymous Chipmunk


  12. an option to paste image in body of invite

    this would allow the invite to look a lot more interesting and informative

    Anonymous Fish


  13. update invites

    You should be able to send a RSVP, mobile download link and visit site all on the SAME invite plus be able to add PDF or attachments (like printable games) so guests get it ALL in one invite. its too all over the place.

    Anonymous Panther


  14. Video Fixes

    Some issues around the video calls and screen sharing on certain browsers. In progress now.

    #Video Chat


  15. RSVPs for In-Person and Virtual along with number attending for in-person

    For hybrid showers it would be great to keep up with replies separately for who will be in-person and who will be virtual. Also being able to have a count of people is good for when you invite whole families using one email address (like for kids who don't an email etc.)

    Anonymous Seal
    #Admin Area#Invitations
